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X Factor UK 2010: Top 11 Recap!
31 October, 2010 11:01 PM
Published by MDS
Tonight the contestants will fight for another week in competition in one of the most bizarres nights ever ... Halloween Night!! The scariest songs will be performed and one contestant dream end by tomorrow ... It's time to face the music!
UPDATE: Belle Amie are eliminated!
Read my recap and watch the videos after the JUMP ....

Who should go: Wagner
Who will go: Wagner or there's a small posibility Belle Amie will ...
Mary Byrne
"Could It Be Magic"0901 61 61 101 - WTF?! What is Mary wearing?! Hornes?! Boring ballad ...What?! It's segueing into a disco tune? ... I have to give her some points tonight. She's doing something different and that's remarkable but she can't get away of old songs! CONTEMPORARY again Louis ... I enjoyed it actually ...
Aiden Grimshaw
"Thriller"0901 61 61 102 - I love Aiden!!! Fortunately, he won't do the same cliched thing everyone those with this song ... WOW! It actually took me a lot to realize what song he was singing. This is the best arrengment I've ever seen. And the stage, AMAZING!! The dancers are incredible. Aiden's voice is so wonderful and I actually like this version more than Michael's original ... It fits this song so well. It really has the Halloween athmosphere in it! This will be hard to beat tonight, this season and all seasons to come ... Aiden, you are my top contestant ever!! And I say it again, Dannii is the best mentor EVER!!
Belle Amie
"Venus"0901 61 61 103 - Hmmm, interesting ... They are coming out of coffins ... Horrible start ... But I love how they look ...They aren't singing it so bad but this is not good at all. It's fun and entertaining but ... not even near the level of the other contestants ... The end was actually really good but they need lot of work with their vocals ...
Rebecca Ferguson
"Wicked Game"0901 61 61 104 - Rebecca is always my favourite and with a song like this, this performance will be breathtaking! And it is!! She'll go all the way ... Love how she embraces the Halloween look and that voice is just magic! It's wicked! I don't know what else to say, week in and week out she goes on stage and nails each of her performances! And she does a really good work reworking them and that also matters, we don't want a copycat version, we won't something fresh, original and contemporary, and she ticks all the boxes ...
Treyc Cohen
"Relight My Fire" 0901 61 61 105 - She didn't want to be in the Bottom again so she'll sing something to connect with the audience and she's singing a beautiful ballad plastic disco tune. Come on Treyc! This won't make you connect with the audience! Points in her favour, she's really an amazing singer, she looks terrific and that dancing is really good. And I love her. I don't know if she will connect with the audience but I loved it! Cheryl is doubting where Treyc lives?! Come on!!
Matt Cardle
"Bleeding Love"0901 61 61 106 - Mmmm ... I don't like how he's singing this ... I like his voice but not in this song, it just doesn't fit him. This might be his worst performance to date. He also looks uncomfortable and in fact he said he was. Not to good but he will still be here next week ...

"O Fortuna" / "Bat Out of Hell" 0901 61 61 107 - Louis keep misspronuncing his name! I want to go there and kick him! Imagine there's a V in fron of the A instead a W. He is really wierd ... The first song was well sang, but it's so wierd!!! The chorus is actually higer than his voice, I can't even hear him ... HORRIBLE!
Paije Richardson
"Back to Black" 0901 61 61 108 - OMG Paije! You are so incredible! I so love you! His voice is so amazing, I want to buy it if it's possible. Love that thing he does. To sum up, I love Paije!!! His so unique, I'm impressed he wasn't picked by Dannii in the first place ... He's actually my favourite voice here ...
Katie Waissel

"Bewitched"0901 61 61 109 - OMG! WTF? Katie should shot the person that did that to her face and hair! She actually looks like a witch. I love how she's sounding and those pumpkins ... However, that makeup is really distracting, I can't stop thinking how awful she looks! But I still love Katie! And she's fun, not as Wagner, she's the fun one here. And please, stop saying shitty things about her!! Judge her singing ...
One Direction
"Total Eclipse of the Heart" 0901 61 61 110 - Please Simon!! Stop it!! Give them better songs. And that Twilight look is hedious ... Hate this really bad ... That song is a Halloween song? Not sure about it ... They are still here just for the teen vote ... Please, Louis is horrible and Liam is getting bad! Zain always save them but he won't always do it ...
Cher Lloyd
"Stay"0901 61 61 111 - Cher is performing a ballad tonight to prove she can sing ... and she can!! I've always loved her voice but this song just made her grow in me! She's singing it with such a huge passion, it's so emotional that it gives goosebumps. Love the screen in the back ... Cher had the performance of the night! But Aiden was very near ... Why is she crying? That was amazing girl!
And it's RESULTS TIME! The first act through is ... Paije Richardson! Also through are Cher Lloyd, Aiden Grimshaw and ... Wagner?! Again?! You gott be kiddin me! Next in are One Direction, Matt Cardle, Rebecca Ferguson, Mary Byrne and .... Treyc Cohen!!!!! YES!!! But sad face! Katie Waissel and Belle Amie are in the Bottom 2! Katie shouldn't be there!
Belle Amie
"Breakaway" - I like the girls but I like Katie more, so I don't care if they go ... Full of bum notes there. They should work a lot on their vocals and they could be great. Actually Geri Halliwell wanted to mange them, that'd be great for them ... They could be big but with loads of work ...
Katie Waissel
"Trust in Me" - This is starting a bit bad ... And Katie looks really awful ... But then she's really delievering! It's fun that she has ended in the Bottom twice and has sang Etta James twice ... However, I love it!! Her voice is unique! She deserves to be in the competition and not in the Bottom .... She's starting to remind me of Rachel Adedeji, a great singer who always ended in the Bottom ...
It's VOTATION TIME! Simon and Cheryl both keep their acts. Dannii backs Katie and Louis backs Belle Amie, so that ends up in DEADLOCK!!! The act through to next week is ... Katie Waissel!!! Belle Amie are eliminated! Simon has only one act now, he must feel desperate ...
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Aiden Grimshaw,
Belle Amie,
Cher Lloyd,
Katie Waissel,
Mary Byrne,
Matt Cardle,
One Direction,
Paije Richardson,
Rebecca Ferguson,
Treyc Cohen,
X Factor UK,
XF Series
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