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New year, new talent, new rules, same coaches. The Voice returns for it's sixth season (at least to the blog) and with it, 20 new faces for us to get familiar with. Of course, not all of them will last much as the judges will be making one final cut before things go live, whittling down their teams from 5 to 3. Who will be making the Top 12?  ... This is The Voice!

Recap after the jump ...

Kristen Merlin

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"Two Black Cadillacs" - 7,5/10 - She used to be a document research specialist but she quit her job and dived straight into music. She makes Blake a little nervous because she's the only country singer not on his team. She picked this song to showcase herself. She can relate to the song, even though she's in a healthy relationship now. She's been basically montaged up to this point but boy she's got powerful pipes! A showcasey performance but I do love the passionate way she belts the high notes. I'm not sure how long she can last though. Adam felt she had a moment. He heard so much of Shakira's incredible coaching. He thinks she's at the top of her game.

Deja Hall

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"Battlefield" - 4,5/10 -She grew up in a military family, so she had to move a lot. Music has been the constant in her life. Shakira has helped her be more confident in herself. She chose this song because she wants to show the aggressive side of her voice. This is so underwhelming. Deja shouldn't have made it this far in the first place. Her voice lacks the power needed for this song and thus the end result is a vanilla version of  the original. Blake thinks she went from adorable teenager to young woman. He felt she came out of her shell. Seriously?

Tess Boyer

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"Human" - 8,5/10 - She was a cheerleader juggling pageants, dancing and going to school for a political science degree. She was previously on Team Usher, then got stolen by Blake during her first battle, then was stolen again by Shakira. It's been hard for her to be a pageant girl because people expect her to be perfect, and she's not. Her lower register could be stronger but the little issues she had are made up by the fact her upper register is insane. A performance full of emotion, she killed this song. It's hard to believe she was let go twice. Adam thinks that was one of the best performances they've seen so far.

Patrick Thomson

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"Trouble" - 7/10 - His dad was a trombone player and his mom had a folk band. Shakira stole him from Adam when he lost to Kat. This is something his never done before and he picked it because it just speaks to him. This is a perfect song to showcase his gravelly tone, if not totally predictable. However, his tone is amazing and he definitely knows how to imbue feeling into his lines. Blake thanks him for not picking him as his coach because he's so good that is now making Adam look bad for letting him go.

Dani Moz

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"The Edge of Glory" - 8/10 - Before the auditions she had a city job in PR. She got montaged during her audition and her first battle. The performance is stripped back, with Dani playing the piano. It's a sweet cover with rather strong vocals. Honestly, it kinda came out of nowhere. She could be a dark horse, especially if she keeps the quality up. The overwhelming emotion she put into it brought Usher close to tears.


  1. Tess Boyer
  2. Dani Moz
  3. Kristen Merlin
  4. Patrick Thomson
  5. Deja Hall
Through to the Top 12:

Tess Boyer
Dani Moz
Kristen Merlin


Patrick Thomson
Deja Hall

The right acts went home. Deja was simply not ready and while Patrick was good, the other girls were better. And being honest, he was kinda forgettable.

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