

I know I didn't write The Battles recaps but it's not because I didn't want to but because I kept forgetting to do it. So instead of simply quitting to recap the series, I'll just skip to the liveshows! Tonight, each coach will give a total of 10 points to each contestant and those points (out of 40), will then be added to the public's points. We've got a colossal amount of finalists, 32!, so we better get started! ... This is The Voice!

Recap and videos after the JUMP ...


Omri Tindal


"50 Ways to say goodbye" - 5/10 - Team Marco - There are mariachis on stage? They look out of place. Omri is sporting a mohawk, which looks awful on him. His voice sounds a bit strained at the beginning and the song doesn't fit his style at all. Why sing such a weird song when all it really took was a current RnB song? The vocals weren't bad but his performance was uninteresting and dull though I kinda liked how weird it actually was. - VIDEO

Niña van Dijk


"Lost" - 7,5/10 - Team Marco -  Sister Djem is in the audience. This is a really great song for her voice. Unlike Omri, her song was suitable for her tone and range. It started a bit slow but once the chorus began, her voice was at it's best. It was a bit choppy though, she would hit a lot of big notes then be quite for a while, I'd have liked the performance to flow more smoothly but I did like how her voice acquired a raspy sound when she hit them. I also enjoyed the way the stage look, it created a quite intimate atmosphere. I've a feeling she may not be a fan favourite but if she goes tonight, at least she'll go on a good note.  - VIDEO

Ivar Oosterloo


"Against All Odds" - 7,5/10 - Team Marco - He's got a plaster cast on one of his arms. This is an ok song choice but it could've been a lot better since this is a really overplayed song. He seemed to be singing at the top of his lungs for most of the performance which affected his voice at times. I would've liked a little more nuance because it would have given his performance more dynamics and he wouldn't have sounded so forced on some notes. Besides that, this was a very good vocal performance though I kinda felt he lost his identity a bit. Wasn't he supposed to be a WGWG? - VIDEO

Babette van Vugt


"Where Have You Been" - 9/10 - Team Marco - Wow! I wasn't expecting this at all but Babette completely owned the stage. She had sass, attitude and flawless vocals tonight and while she is indeed generic, she was the best performer on Marco's team, at least tonight. There's no need for the Jessie J's "yeah" though, they add nothing to the performance and they are a tad annoying. But besides that minor critique, this was a fantastic performance and she's clearly on her way to the semifinal after this. - VIDEO



Coach's Points:

Omri Tindal - 30
Niña van Dijk - 29,5
 Ivar Oosterloo - 33
Babette van Vugt - 37

Public's Points:

Omri Tindal -13,5
Niña van Dijk - 14,7
 Ivar Oosterloo - 31,9
Babette van Vugt - 39,9


Ivar Oosterloo- 64,9

Babette van Vugt - 76,9


Omri Tindal- 43,5
Niña van Dijk- 44,2

I think everyone was expecting this. Babette making it was completely predictable given she had the biggest score and also the best performance. Ivar had the second best score and though I enjoyed Niña's performance more, it's clear he's more popular with the fans, so it wasn't a surprise he made it either. I'll miss Niña though, I think she would have made it had she performed in the other half.


Nicola Ebbink


"Feeling good" - 7,5/10 - Team Nick & Simon -  I don't see the point of the pole besides sexifying what would've been a great performance on it's own. Throwing the hat and starting to shake her hips uncontrollably didn't help her either and unfortunately I can't see people voting for her tonight. The staging was hurting her performance and I want to know who had that awful idea. She shouldn't be playing sexy if she wants to get votes, since most of the voters are females and we all know how that goes. Vocally, I loved every second of it, since her jazzy sultry tone is wonderful. Apparently it was based on Chicago. Sorry, that was a bad move.  - VIDEO

Maame Joses


"Fragile" - 8/10 - Team Nick & Simon -  Maame's audition was one of my favourites (probably third behind Sandra and Tessa) so I had high expectations for her. Unfortunately, she didn't fulfill them with this song. It sounded gorgeous and very eerie but I wanted too see her giving her own spin to a current song and that didn't happen. Her Sting cover was really similar to the original and despite it did sounded better than it, there wasn't much distinction between the two. She deserves another chance though and I know she'll get it cause that was still a beautiful performance. - VIDEO

Johannes Rijpma


"Summer of '69" - 5,5/10 - Team Nick & Simon -  Predictable dull song. He looked completely uncomfortable up there and he lacks a lot of the confidence needed to be on that big stage. He mostly looked frightened and while his vocals were mostly spot on, his doubt affected his overall performance. It just wasn't interesting, he should have sang a country song or at least attempted something from this decade. I don't think he will survive this week.  - VIDEO

Marx Margono


"Everything" - 7,5/10 - Team Nick & Simon - He enters the stage dancing. When he starts singing, his voice sounds really weak and I know he sounds a lot better usually. Marx should have focused more on the singing and not on the dancing cause his vocals were a bit average tonight. I enjoyed his jazzy sound and I loved the scat but overall, it wasn't as strong as it should've been. It was really enjoyable but I'm not sure how the public will react to it. - VIDEO



Coach's Points:

Maame Joses - 33
Johannes Rijpma - 28
Nicola Ebbink - 30,5
Marx Margono - 34,5
Public's Points:

Maame Joses - 17,3
Johannes Rijpma - 61,7
Nicola Ebbink - 9,3
Marx Margono - 11,7


Maame Joses - 50,3
Johannes Rijpma - 89,7


Nicola Ebbink - 39,8
Marx Margono - 46,2

I'm shocked at the amount of votes Johannes got. Why is he so popular? He seems likable but his performance was mediocre at best. I'm also surprised Marx didn't get enough votes cause he was probably one of the frontrunners. Maame staying was predictable but I'm glad she did cause she's a wonderful artist.

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